Cattherine Young's Landward: Readings of Place and Season Podcast will feature recitations of "Even While Still" and "The Bluestem" during its 2025-2027 poetry podcast season.
"Even While Still" will be featured on the April 2, 2026 episode of Landward. It was published in RockPaperPoem in April 2022, and again in Of the Earth and Other Desires in February 2024. It is inspired by a frog encountered in the Nicolet National Forest, and damselflies and deer encountered in Elm Grove Park in Elm Grove, WI.
"The Bluestem" will be featured on the October 29, 2026 episode of Landward. It was first published in RockPaperPoem in April 2023, and again in Of the Earth and Other Desires, in February 2024. It was written at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee at Waukesha Field Station, on the Marlin Johnson Prairie.

Landward is a production of WDRT, Driftless Community Radio (91.9 fm), and is supported through grants by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets.
After their initial broadcast, the poems' programs will be available in podcast form and featured on the WDRT Landward webpage.
Hear past readings on Landward.