Selected Essays
"In the Time of the Snails," Changing Skies: Writing through the Climate Crisis, November 2024.
"Loving at the Root-level and on the Winds," The Bookends Review, October 2023.
"Falling in Love Outwards," Kitchen Table Quarterly, Winter 2024.
"Wherever in the Blazes," Panorama, The Journal of Travel, Place and Nature. Issue 8. 2023.
"Stories from a Restored Prairie," Wisconsin People and Ideas, 68:4. Fall 2022.
The Arroyo Wilderness, Chitro Magazine, December 2020
And the Quarantine Begins, Chitro Magazine, December 2020
Selected Poems
"The Bluestem," RockPaperPoem, April 2023.
"Even While Still," RockPaperPoem, April 2022.
"The Frontier Between the Darkness, The Wholly Alone," The Thunderbird Review, April 2022
“House Sparrows,” Two Timbers Press, Fall 2021
"One Night," Bramble Lit Magazine, November 2021
"By January," Great Lakes Review, April 2021
"Along the Boulevard, the Middle Way," Great Lakes Review, April 2021
"Like Rumi," Chicago Literati, March 2014
“L’Amant, At Last Allowed to Speak,” Verse Wisconsin, Spring 2012
“The Slot Canyon,” Stone Highway Review, Spring 2012
“On a Sandbar In the Susquehana, In You,” Innisfree Poetry Journal, Fall 2010
Works in Anthology
"The Bosco Sacro," in Rooted Two: The Best New Arboreal Non-Fiction.
“The Feast of St. Mark," in Sheltering with Poems: Community & Connection During Covid.
“Day Thirty-Nine," in Sheltering with Poems: Community & Connection During Covid.
Forty Days in the Wilderness, Wandering
February 26, 2020 marked the first day of Lent, and the beginning of a 40 day spiritual exercise in which I wrote and illustrated a poem exploring where the sacred can be encountered in nature. Less than two weeks later, the world had irrevocably changed--the wilderness I sought to draw wisdom from more profound than I could have ever imagined.
This poet's journal sustained me during the dark, cold spring of lockdown and transformed my relation to creation, as one created, and as a creator.
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